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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Advanced Penetration Testing • Hacking The World'S Most Secure Networks Free PDF

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    AutoNSE - Massive NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) AutoSploit And AutoScanner

    Massive NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) AutoSploit and AutoScanner. The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is one of Nmap's most powerful and flexible features. It allows users to write (and share) simple scripts (using the Lua programming language ) to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. Those scripts are executed in parallel with the speed and efficiency you expect from Nmap. Users can rely on the growing and diverse set of scripts distributed with Nmap, or write their own to meet custom needs. For more informations

    $ git clone
    $ cd AutoNSE
    $ bash

    $ bash

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    2. Sean Ellis Hacking Growth
    3. Ethical Hacking Course
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    8. Etica Hacker
    9. Hacking Ético Con Herramientas Python Pdf
    10. Life Hacking
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    Android SSHControl V1.0 Relased!!!

    Hoy sabado 15, he subido al Market de Android la versión 1.0 de SSHControl, con nuevas funcionalades y la esperada opción "Custom Commands".

    Esta aplicación permite controlar tus servidores linux, bsd y unix con solo un dedo, mediante esta app Android.
    Y soluciona las siguientes problemáticas:
    - Manejar una shell desde el pequeño teclado de un móvil es engorroso.
    - Leer todos los resultados de un comando en la pantalla del móvil, nos dejamos la vista.

    Esta app permite interactuar con servidores remotos simplemente haciendo pulsaciones en la pantalla, mediante un explorador de ficheros, de conexiones, etc..

    Las funcionalidades nuevas de esta versión 1.0 son:

    - Administración del Firewall Iptables.
    - Opción de Custom Commands, tal como había prometido.

    Las funcionalidades ya presentes en la v0.8 son:

    - escalada a root mediante su y sudo
    - gestor de procesos
    - explorador de ficheros, editor de ficheros, editor de permisos.
    - monitorización y baneo de conexiones
    - Visualizadores de logs
    - administrador de drivers
    - estadisticas de disco

    Para la versión 2.0 preveo:

    - Escuchar música remota
    - Descarga de ficheros (wget)
    - Transferencia segura de ficheros entre servidores (scp)
    - Gestures, para administrar los sitemas en plan minority report :)

    App disponible en el market para 861 tipos de dispositivos y pronto disponible en tablets.

    Cualquier sugerencia de mejora: sha0 [4t] badchecksum [d0t] net

    More info

    How To Crack A Password

    What is Password Cracking?

    Password cracking is the process of attempting to gain Unauthorized access to restricted systems using common passwords or algorithms that guess passwords. In other words, it's an art of obtaining the correct password that gives access to a system protected by an authentication method.

    Password cracking employs a number of techniques to achieve its goals. The cracking process can involve either comparing stored passwords against word list or use algorithms to generate passwords that match

    How to crack password of an Application

    In this Tutorial, we will introduce you to the common password cracking techniques and the countermeasures you can implement to protect systems against such attacks.

    Topics covered in this tutorial

    What is password strength?

    Password strength is the measure of a password's efficiency to resist password cracking attacks. The strength of a password is determined by;

    • Length: the number of characters the password contains.
    • Complexity: does it use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbol?
    • Unpredictability: is it something that can be guessed easily by an attacker?

    Let's now look at a practical example. We will use three passwords namely

    1.  password

    2.  password1

    3.  #password1$

     For this example, we will use the password strength indicator of Cpanel when creating passwords. The images below show the password strengths of each of the above-listed passwords.

    How to crack password of an Application

    Note: the password used is password the strength is 1, and it's very weak.

    How to crack password of an Application

    Note: the password used is password1 the strength is 28, and it's still weak.

    How to crack password of an Application

    Note: The password used is #password1$ the strength is 60 and it's strong.

    The higher the strength number, better the password.

    Let's suppose that we have to store our above passwords using md5 encryption. We will use an online md5 hash generator to convert our passwords into md5 hashes.

     The table below shows the password hashes

    PasswordMD5 HashCpanel Strength Indicator

     We will now use to crack the above hashes. The images below show the password cracking results for the above passwords.

    How to crack password of an Application

    How to crack password of an Application

    How to crack password of an Application

    As you can see from the above results, we managed to crack the first and second passwords that had lower strength numbers. We didn't manage to crack the third password which was longer, complex and unpredictable. It had a higher strength number.

    Password cracking techniques

    There are a number of techniques that can be used to crack passwords. We will describe the most commonly used ones below;

    • Dictionary attack– This method involves the use of a wordlist to compare against user passwords.
    • Brute force attack– This method is similar to the dictionary attack. Brute force attacks use algorithms that combine alpha-numeric characters and symbols to come up with passwords for the attack. For example, a password of the value "password" can also be tried as p@$$word using the brute force attack.
    • Rainbow table attack– This method uses pre-computed hashes. Let's assume that we have a database which stores passwords as md5 hashes. We can create another database that has md5 hashes of commonly used passwords. We can then compare the password hash we have against the stored hashes in the database. If a match is found, then we have the password.
    • Guess– As the name suggests, this method involves guessing. Passwords such as qwerty, password, admin, etc. are commonly used or set as default passwords. If they have not been changed or if the user is careless when selecting passwords, then they can be easily compromised.
    • Spidering– Most organizations use passwords that contain company information. This information can be found on company websites, social media such as facebook, twitter, etc. Spidering gathers information from these sources to come up with word lists. The word list is then used to perform dictionary and brute force attacks.

    Spidering sample dictionary attack wordlist

    1976 <founder birth year>

    smith jones <founder name>

    acme <company name/initials>

    built|to|last <words in company vision/mission>

    golfing|chess|soccer <founders hobbies

    Password cracking tool

    These are software programs that are used to crack user passwords. We already looked at a similar tool in the above example on password strengths. The website uses a rainbow table to crack passwords. We will now look at some of the commonly used tools

    John the Ripper

    John the Ripper uses the command prompt to crack passwords. This makes it suitable for advanced users who are comfortable working with commands. It uses to wordlist to crack passwords. The program is free, but the word list has to be bought. It has free alternative word lists that you can use. Visit the product website for more information and how to use it.

    Cain & Abel

    Cain & Abel runs on windows. It is used to recover passwords for user accounts, recovery of Microsoft Access passwords; networking sniffing, etc. Unlike John the Ripper, Cain & Abel uses a graphic user interface. It is very common among newbies and script kiddies because of its simplicity of use. Visit the product website for more information and how to use it.


    Ophcrack is a cross-platform Windows password cracker that uses rainbow tables to crack passwords. It runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. It also has a module for brute force attacks among other features. Visit the product website  for more information and how to use it.

    Password Cracking Counter Measures

    • An organization can use the following methods to reduce the chances of the passwords been cracked
    • Avoid short and easily predicable passwords
    • Avoid using passwords with predictable patterns such as 11552266.
    • Passwords stored in the database must always be encrypted. For md5 encryptions, its better to salt the password hashes before storing them. Salting involves adding some word to the provided password before creating the hash.
    • Most registration systems have password strength indicators, organizations must adopt policies that favor high password strength numbers.

    Hacking Activity: Hack Now!

    In this practical scenario, we are going to crack Windows account with a simple passwordWindows uses NTLM hashes to encrypt passwords. We will use the NTLM cracker tool in Cain and Abel to do that.

    Cain and Abel cracker can be used to crack passwords using;

    • Dictionary attack
    • Brute force
    • Cryptanalysis

    We will use the dictionary attack in this example. You will need to download the dictionary attack wordlist here

    For this demonstration, we have created an account called Accounts with the password qwerty on Windows 7.

    How to crack password of an Application

    Password cracking steps

    • Open Cain and Abel, you will get the following main screen

    How to crack password of an Application

    • Make sure the cracker tab is selected as shown above
    • Click on the Add button on the toolbar.

    How to crack password of an Application

    • The following dialog window will appear

    How to crack password of an Application

    • The local user accounts will be displayed as follows. Note the results shown will be of the user accounts on your local machine.

    How to crack password of an Application

    • Right click on the account you want to crack. For this tutorial, we will use Accounts as the user account.

    How to crack password of an Application

    • The following screen will appear

    How to crack password of an Application

    • Right click on the dictionary section and select Add to list menu as shown above
    • Browse to the 10k most common.txt file that you just downloaded

    How to crack password of an Application

    • Click on start button
    • If the user used a simple password like qwerty, then you should be able to get the following results.

    How to crack password of an Application

    • Note: the time taken to crack the password depends on the password strength, complexity and processing power of your machine.
    • If the password is not cracked using a dictionary attack, you can try brute force or cryptanalysis attacks.


    • Password cracking is the art of recovering stored or transmitted passwords.
    • Password strength is determined by the length, complexity, and unpredictability of a password value.
    • Common password techniques include dictionary attacks, brute force, rainbow tables, spidering and cracking.
    • Password cracking tools simplify the process of cracking passwords.

    More information

    Thursday, April 23, 2020


    Sentry MBA is an automated account cracking tool that makes it one of the most popular cracking tools. It is used by cybercriminals to take over user accounts on major websites. With Sentry MBA, criminals can rapidly test millions of usernames and passwords to see which ones are valid on a targeted website. The tool has become incredibly popular — the Shape Security research team sees Sentry MBA attack attempts on nearly every website we protect.  Download Sentry MBA v1.4.1 latest version.


    Sentry MBA has a point-and-click graphical user interface, online help forums, and vibrant underground marketplaces to enable large numbers of individuals to become cybercriminals. These individuals no longer need advanced technical skills, specialized equipment, or insider knowledge to successfully attack major websites.
    Sentry MBA attack has three phases,
    • Targeting and attack refinement
    • Automated account check
    • Monetization

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    AutoNSE - Massive NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) AutoSploit And AutoScanner

    Massive NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) AutoSploit and AutoScanner. The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is one of Nmap's most powerful and flexible features. It allows users to write (and share) simple scripts (using the Lua programming language ) to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. Those scripts are executed in parallel with the speed and efficiency you expect from Nmap. Users can rely on the growing and diverse set of scripts distributed with Nmap, or write their own to meet custom needs. For more informations

    $ git clone
    $ cd AutoNSE
    $ bash

    $ bash

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    Wednesday, April 22, 2020

    Hash Identifier - The Hash Identify Tool

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    BurpSuite Introduction & Installation

    What is BurpSuite?
    Burp Suite is a Java based Web Penetration Testing framework. It has become an industry standard suite of tools used by information security professionals. Burp Suite helps you identify vulnerabilities and verify attack vectors that are affecting web applications. Because of its popularity and breadth as well as depth of features, we have created this useful page as a collection of Burp Suite knowledge and information.

    In its simplest form, Burp Suite can be classified as an Interception Proxy. While browsing their target application, a penetration tester can configure their internet browser to route traffic through the Burp Suite proxy server. Burp Suite then acts as a (sort of) Man In The Middle by capturing and analyzing each request to and from the target web application so that they can be analyzed.

    Everyone has their favorite security tools, but when it comes to mobile and web applications I've always found myself looking BurpSuite . It always seems to have everything I need and for folks just getting started with web application testing it can be a challenge putting all of the pieces together. I'm just going to go through the installation to paint a good picture of how to get it up quickly.

    BurpSuite is freely available with everything you need to get started and when you're ready to cut the leash, the professional version has some handy tools that can make the whole process a little bit easier. I'll also go through how to install FoxyProxy which makes it much easier to change your proxy setup, but we'll get into that a little later.

    Requirements and assumptions:

    Mozilla Firefox 3.1 or Later Knowledge of Firefox Add-ons and installation The Java Runtime Environment installed

    Download BurpSuite from make a note of where you save it.

    on for Firefox from

    If this is your first time running the JAR file, it may take a minute or two to load, so be patient and wait.

    Video for setup and installation.

    You need to install compatible version of java , So that you can run BurpSuite.

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    10 Best Wifi Hacking Android Apps To Hack Others Wifi (Without Root)

     Top 10 Best wifi hacking apps to hack wifi^s.   

    Today, a smartphone without internet is like a decade ago featured phone which is mainly used to dial and receive the call. No one would even want such a phone today. The Internet is now a necessity for every mobile user. They can't live without the internet and unfortunately; if the Internet is not working due to some signal issues; they get frustrated and sometimes depressed too.

    Generally, we need to pay for the Internet subscription package to run mobile data on our smartphone. But what to do if I don't want to spend money on the Internet? The solution is to connect your mobile with WiFi. You can access the internet from there. Easy, right? NO, it's not easy until you know the password of WiFi. But what if you don't know.

    Two ways possible in this situation

    1. Either you ask for the password to the owner; he will provide you to use his internet through Wi-Fi
    2. You have to hack the Wi-Fi password of other's network and use the internet as an unauthorized person.

    First is not reliable when you don't know the person so, you only have a second option. Today, I am going to share a few apps that help you steal the password and allow you to use the internet from others' account.

    1. WiFi WPS WPA Tester

    This is the foremost tool to hack the WiFi password without knowing even the root. This is a preferred choice of numerous smartphone users to decipher the pin and get access to the Wi-Fi. As time passes, a tool is upgraded and now even hack the WiFi networks while it was used to check if an access point is highly vulnerable to the rancorous attacks or not.

    If you are using Lollipop or above version on your android mobile phone; you don't even need to root your device to crack a WiFi network.

    Android App


    • Easy to use
    • Free
    • Decrypt the password in no time.
    • Implementation of several algos like Zhao, Arris, Dlink and more.


    • Need root access if you are using the version below Lollipop.

    2. WPS Connect

    Routers which has enabled a WPS protocol can be hacked with this app. The important thing is that almost all routers found in public places and homes fall under this category. In short, you will have what you want. Moreover, you can focus on your router & examine that it's vulnerable to any malicious attack or not. It helps you hack the WiFi password without root and also strengthen your WiFi network.

    Once you identify the vulnerable (accessible) network, you can quickly get the password and start using the internet without any hassle. It uses algorithms like easyboxPIN and Zhao. Although, this app is not compatible with various Android phones as it is tested on Android devices like the Galaxy series, Nexus and more.

    Android App


    • It's free and easy to use
    • Powerful algorithms (Zhao & easyboxPin) to crack the password
    • Supports pinning of Wi-Fi routers


    • Incompatible with few android devices
    • Couldn't identify the network automatically.

    3. WiFi WPS WPA Tester Premium

    This is an excellent app to decrypt the WiFi network password on your android phone. This works fine on rooted & non-rooted android phones. If you can root the Android device; you can have a better chance to hack into. Today,  security is the primary concern and so, many people use the highly secured wireless router, I think. For such networks, this app will not work as it should be. But, still it can work for numerous times with the help of WPS; not all the time. Every time, you have to try your luck to get access to other's WiFi network. This WPS WPA tester is a premium apk.

    Android App


    • Works for both rooted and non-rooted android devices
    • Find the nearby network and connect your mobile with it.


    • It's a premium apk.
    • You have to try your luck to get access to the nearby network.
    • Not good to connect with highly secured wireless routers.

    4. AndroDumpper Wifi (WPS Connect) – Discontinued

    If you want to connect to a router which is WPS enabled; download this app immediately without going down to browse for other apps. Just open the app, start its interface & find the nearby wireless networks, you want to connect with. The app will provide an excellent option to regain the password of a selected network with & without root. Once you implemented the algorithm; it will display the password in app screen & connect to the network. Isn't it easy for you?

    Android App


    • It's Free on Google Play Store
    • Easy to use and faster than some other tool.
    • Works fine for rooted & non-rooted devices
    • A dedicated blog is available for the tool (Get guidance anytime)
    • Supports for giant company routers (Vodaphone, Asus, Huawei, Dlink, etc.)


    • Rooting is required if you are using a version below android 5.0
    • Works only for WPS enabled routers.

    5. Wi-fi Password Hacker Prank

    Wifi Password hacker prank is a free app for the android users and can help you to connect your android phone to wifi networks available nearby. This free app simulates a process of hacking the wireless network with your smartphone. With this app, you can hack all wifi network passwords with just one key. The Prank word itself says it's a funny app used to prank with your friends. Sometimes, girls can be impressed with this prank as well. But try this at your own risk. Look excellent and professional in front of your friends and colleagues.

    Steps to Hack Wifi using the Wifi Password Hacker Prank:

    • Catch up the wireless networks near to you and then select the secure network you wish to hack.
    • Wait for a while & a dialogue will be opened with the wifi password.
    • Bingo! Paste the password and start using others' Internet without spending single money.
    • Watch your favourite show and movie in High-Definition quality without worrying about your mobile data.
    Android App

    6. WiFi Warden

    WiFi Warden is one of the finest and free android WiFi hacking apps to get access to others WiFi with ease. With WiFi Warden, a user can Analyze the WiFi networks, connect to your WiFi using the passphrase and WPS and view saved WiFi passwords without root.

    By analyzing the WiFi networks, you can see all necessary information that can be discovered on the wireless networks around including BSSID, SSID, Channel bandwidth, encryption, security, router manufacturer, distance and channel number, etc.

    Android App


    • Find the less crowded channel to get WiFi access.
    • You can root your device on all Android versions.
    • Easy to use and connect with the router quickly.
    • All features of this app are available for free.


    • This app doesn't work on all types of router, use a passphrase instead.
    • Access Point (AP) must have enabled WPS.
    • Require Android version 6 (Marshmallow) or higher version is necessary to display Wi-Fi networks around you.
    • Some of the features are in the testing phase. So, use it your own risk.

    7. WiFi Password

    'WiFi Password' is a completely free app for those who don't want to get away from the Internet even when their internet data is running out. You can connect with others' WiFi routers and use their Internet.

    If you are using Android Version 5 or above; 'WiFi Password' can be the right choice for you to watch your favorite shows on YouTube in HD without even worrying about Mobile Data.

    Android App


    • Millions of WiFi Hotspots
    • Scan and detect the WiFi security
    • Connect WiFi Hotspot nearby without knowing the WiFi Password
    • You can simply add a free WiFi Hotspot by sharing the passwords with others.

    Cons :

    • Still, there are some glitches in it but works well.

    8. WiFi Kill Pro

    WiFi Kill is one the best WiFi network controller application which can disable the Internet connection of others who are connected to the same network. Yes, this is true. It is a useful tool for internet users who want to improve their data speed by disabling other's internet connection and allocate all the bandwidth to your device only.

    Currently, this app is only for Android users and needs root access to perform well.

    Android App


      • You can see all connected device on the same network you are connected.

      • Display the data transfer rate of all devices

      • Monitor network activity

      • You can cut the network connection of any connected device.
    • It works well on tablets too.


      • Require root access
    • Require Android version 4.0.3 or up to use this app.

    9. Penetrate Pro

    A popular Wifi hacker app for android users, Penetrate pro is free and works well on Android devices. This app is widely used to find WEP and/or WPA keys to connect the devices with network routers without knowing the wifi password. Just install the app and search for the network; this app starts automatically displaying the WEP/WPA keys on the screen. Tap on the network you want to connect; one it gets connected; you can start watching videos on YouTube. Quite interesting, doesn't it?

    Android App


      • Easy to search nearby free wifi networks.

      • Connect the network without knowing keys
    • Available for Free


      • Not available on Google Play Store; need to download manually.
    • Works well only for the rooted android devices

    So, you have got the list of apps that help you use the internet from other's wireless network without getting caught. If you have any idea of any other Wi-Fi password hacking app; just let me know. We would love to discuss it here.

    Disclaimer: VR Bonkers is not responsible for any consequences if you face while using any of the above apps. This is just a list and we are not taking any responsibility for the same. So, use them at your risk.


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    What Is Cybersecurity And Thier types?Which Skills Required To Become A Top Cybersecurity Expert ?

    What is cyber security in hacking?

    The term cyber security  refers to the technologies  and processes designed  to  defend computer system, software, networks & user data from unauthorized access, also from threats distributed through the internet by cybercriminals,terrorist groups of hacker.

    Main types of cybersecurity are
    Critical infrastructure security
    Application security
    Network Security 
    Cloud Security 
    Internet of things security.
    These are the main types of cybersecurity used by cybersecurity expert to any organisation for safe and protect thier data from hack by a hacker.

    Top Skills Required to become Cybersecurity Expert-

    Problem Solving Skills
    Communication Skill
    Technical Strength & Aptitude
    Desire to learn
    Attention to Detail 
    Knowledge of security across various platforms
    Knowledge of Hacking
    Fundamental Computer Forensic Skill.
    These skills are essential for become a cybersecurity expert. 
    Cyber cell and IT cell these are the department  in our india which provide cybersecurity and looks into the matters related to cyber crimes to stop the crime because in this digitilization world cyber crime increasing day by day so our government of india also takes the immediate action to prevent the cybercrimes with the help of these departments and also arrest the victim and file a complain against him/her with the help of cyberlaw in our constitution.

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    How To Automatically Translate Any Android App Into Any Language

    There is the number of applications which are not having the features of translating apps to your favorite languages. This makes it difficult for the users to translate apps into their native language. Today, I am going to tell you about an application which will help you to Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language.
    Nowadays there are around hundreds of application on play store which is having the feature of translate but some applications don't have this features. This is just because they don't have proper developers or sometimes translators.
    There is an application launched by Akhil Kedia from XDA Developer which made it possible for all the users to translate the application to any language you need. This is something which everyone needs it.
    Akhil Kedia built an Xposed module in which users can easily change the language of any application to whichever they like or love. Personally, we all love English language but there are peoples in many parts of the world they are suitable for other languages.
    Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language
    Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language

    Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language

    The best part about this Xposed Module is that it translates the application to any language whichever you like and there are around many languages which you can try it. The other best part about this application is that the user interface which is amazing.
    In an Android application, the best thing is the user interface. This is something which helps users to download the module or application to run again and again. There are about many settings which can be changed from the application.
    The setup process is a bit different from other applications but if you will look at the application you will definitely love it. Just because of too many settings and features available in the application and you can turn it to any language without any crashing issues of the application.


    • Rooted Android Phone
    • Xposed Framework installed on your phone.
    • Android 5.0 or higher.
    • Unknown Source enabled (You might be knowing it)
    How to Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language
    • Download the module called as All Trans from here: Download
    Automatically Translate Any Android App
    • Now, after installation, it will ask you to reboot your phone to activate the module
    • Now, you need to get the API Key to get it you need to sign up with Yandex first so sign up: Yandex Sign up
    Automatically Translate Any Android App
    • Then after sign up you will get the API key just enter the API key in the All-Trans application.
    Automatically Translate Any Android App
    • Open All Trans Application and the swipe right to Global Settings.
    Automatically Translate Any Android App
    • Click on Enter Yandex Subscription key and then enter your key.
    Automatically Translate Any Android App
    • In Global Settings click on Translate from and select the Language the application is already in. (Eg: English)
    Automatically Translate Any Android App
    • Now, click on translate to and select your favorite language. This will change the language.
    Automatically Translate Any Android App
    • Swipe left and select the applications which you need to translate and done.
    Automatically Translate Any Android App
    • After selecting just open the application and the language is translated automatically.
    Automatically Translate Any Android App

    Final Words:

    This is the best and easy way to Automatically Translate Any Android App into Any Language. I hope you love this article.Share this article with your friends and keep visiting for more tips and tricks like this and I will meet you in the next one.
    Stay Updated Tune IemHacker

    More info

    githubFind3r - Fast Command Line Repo/User/Commit Search Tool

    githubFind3r is a very fast command line repo/user/commit search tool

    git clone
    cd githubFind3r
    npm install
    Run it
    node githubFind3r.js

    via KitPloitRelated articles

    BurpSuite Introduction & Installation

    What is BurpSuite?
    Burp Suite is a Java based Web Penetration Testing framework. It has become an industry standard suite of tools used by information security professionals. Burp Suite helps you identify vulnerabilities and verify attack vectors that are affecting web applications. Because of its popularity and breadth as well as depth of features, we have created this useful page as a collection of Burp Suite knowledge and information.

    In its simplest form, Burp Suite can be classified as an Interception Proxy. While browsing their target application, a penetration tester can configure their internet browser to route traffic through the Burp Suite proxy server. Burp Suite then acts as a (sort of) Man In The Middle by capturing and analyzing each request to and from the target web application so that they can be analyzed.

    Everyone has their favorite security tools, but when it comes to mobile and web applications I've always found myself looking BurpSuite . It always seems to have everything I need and for folks just getting started with web application testing it can be a challenge putting all of the pieces together. I'm just going to go through the installation to paint a good picture of how to get it up quickly.

    BurpSuite is freely available with everything you need to get started and when you're ready to cut the leash, the professional version has some handy tools that can make the whole process a little bit easier. I'll also go through how to install FoxyProxy which makes it much easier to change your proxy setup, but we'll get into that a little later.

    Requirements and assumptions:

    Mozilla Firefox 3.1 or Later Knowledge of Firefox Add-ons and installation The Java Runtime Environment installed

    Download BurpSuite from make a note of where you save it.

    on for Firefox from

    If this is your first time running the JAR file, it may take a minute or two to load, so be patient and wait.

    Video for setup and installation.

    You need to install compatible version of java , So that you can run BurpSuite.

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    What is ethical hacking?

    Ethical hacking is identifying weakness in computer system and/or computer networks and coming with countermeasures that protect the weakness.

    Ethical hackers must abide by the following rules-
    1-Get written permission from the owner of the computer system and/or computer network before  hacking.
    2-Protect the privacy of the organisation been hacked etc.

    Ethical Hacking and Ethical Hacker are terms used to describe hacking performed by a company or individual to help identity potential threats on a computer or network.

    An Ethical Hacker attempts to byepass system security and search for any weak point that could be exploited by Malicious Hackers.

    Related word

    Theharvester: Email Harvesting Throughout Year

    You might have harvested many things upto now but what we are going to harvest today is something bad :)


    1. A Linux box (I'm using Kali Linux)
    2. theharvester program (already available in Kali Linux)
    So what does theharvester harvest? Well it harvests email addresses. theharvester is an Information gathering tool. If you want a list of emails to spam you can get that easily from theharvester tool and go on Spamming (I'm joking its illegal). It's a security tool that helps you in pentesting an organization (as always it can be used for evil as well). You can gather emails from an organization and look for potential victims to attack or use brute-force techniques to get their passwords or Social Engineer them into doing something that will let you compromise some or all systems in the organization. Uhh there are so many things that you can do when you have access to someone's email address.

    OK stop talking and start doing.

    Fire up a terminal in your kali box and type this command:

    theharvester -d -l 50 -b google

    In a small amount of time you'll see your terminal flooded with 200 email address. What does this command mean?

    theharvester is the tool name that we are using

    -d <domain_name> specifies the domain (or website) who's email addresses we're looking for, in our case it was
    -l <number> specifies the number of results that we want in the output, I limited it to 50
    -b <source> specifies the source on which to look for email addresses, I specified google as the source

    Besides google we can specify any of the follow as source:

    google, googleCSE, bing, bingapi, pgp, linkedin, google-profiles, people123, jigsaw, twitter, googleplus, all
    Here the last entry all means look in every available source.

    Let's say you wanted to look in every available source they you should specify the following command:

    theharvester -d -b all

    -f is another great flag which can be utilized to save the output in case we want to SPAM them later (just kidding) or for other reasons (I'm thinking positive). -f flag saves the result in html or xml format. Let's do just that:

    theharvester -d -l 50 -b google -f emailaddresses.html

    here -f flag is followed by the location where we want to store the file and the name of file, in our case we stored it in our pwd (present working directory) with the name emailaddresses.html.

    Above picture shows an html output generated by harvester.

    That's it for this tutorial hope to see you next time!
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    Home for sale- $2,000 rebate!

    Ready Real Estate slide show

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    Pandora Faves

    Back on the market, price reduced, 1% cash back rebate offered

    Sheree Dutton | Ready Real Estate | 817-975-0461
    222 Birchwood, Azle, TX
    Back on the market, price reduced and 15 cash back rebate offered!
    3BR/2BA Single Family House
    offered at $102,500
    Year Built 2006
    Sq Footage 1,142
    Bedrooms 3
    Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial
    Floors 1
    Parking 3 Covered spaces
    Lot Size .225 acres
    HOA/Maint $0 per month


    Wow, talk about pride of ownership! This house has too many upgrades to count, and is so well cared for. You must see it to believe it! A lot of value in this perfect starter home.


    see additional photos below

    - Central A/C - Central heat - Fireplace
    - High/Vaulted ceiling - Walk-in closet - Tile floor
    - Living room - Breakfast nook - Dishwasher
    - Refrigerator - Stove/Oven - Microwave
    - Laundry area - inside - Balcony, Deck, or Patio - Yard


    - 1 car garage, covered carport for 2 cars
    - covered wood deck in backyard
    - gutters
    - storage shed
    - newly stained wood fence
    - electric fireplace added, with tile hearth
    - upgraded ceiling fans and light fixtures
    - island in kitchen


    Fantastic curb appeal

    covered wood deck in back

    living room

    kitchen with island

    breakfast nook

    master bedroom
    Contact info:
    Sheree Dutton
    Ready Real Estate
    For sale by agent/broker

    powered by postlets Equal Opportunity Housing
    Posted: Sep 11, 2009, 7:31am PDT

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